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I'm fed up with corruption and greed in our government.
I am fighting back.


Randi McCallian

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Jason Smith

Health Educator
20 Years Working with Families
Wife & Mother

Career Politician
Corporate Owned


Randi sees that our government needs to invest in our infrastructure—to prioritize people over corporate greed.

Smith votes in favor of corporate greed and doesn't bring our taxes back to this district.


Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act (H.R. 7606)

Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act (H.R. 7688)


Randi is touring the district hearing about the best (and worst) jobs we have and where we need to invest in more.

Smith votes against bringing jobs back to America and he votes against helping our small businesses.

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CHIPS Act (H.R. 7606) - to invest in jobs here in the 8th district

Relief for Restaurants and other Hard Hit Small Businesses Act of 2022 (H.R. 3807)


Randi knows we need access to healthcare to live a long and prosperous life.

Smith votes for his corporate donors and not for the people of our district.


Voted NO on making insulin affordable (H.R. 6833)

Voted against your freedom to use birth control to plan your family(H.R. 8373)


Randi was raised by service members and believes we must serve our veterans back.

Smith votes against our Veterans and a healthy community.

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Smith voted NO on the Honoring our PACT Act, which will help Veterans exposed to toxic chemicals(H.R. 3967)

Mental Health Justice Act of 2022 (H.R. 8542)


Randi shows up when a community is in crisis and volunteers her time and work.

Smith votes against children and their families.

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Voted against helping families during the baby formula shortage(H.R. 7790)

Voted against the Nursing Mothers Act which would help protect pumping and nursing


Randi's Interview with Labor Front

Townhall with Senate Candidate Spencer Toder

DIRT ROAD DEMOCRAT: Randi's Interview with Jess Piper & The Heartland POD

Randi's Interview with the Heartland POD

Take a stand for our district by making a donation to our campaign today!

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